Happy Member Appreciation Month, we've got some seriously exciting savings for you! We're talking major discounts on some of your favorites. Savings on certificate and masters programs, national membership, books, and trusted research reports. You won't want to miss out on these deals, valid for one week only January 8th-12th!
Head over to our sale to stock up on everything you need to supercharge your career. While you're at it, don't forget to bundle your membership! Our ATD national membership provides exclusive members-only content and trusted resources to support the work you do. You will have the chance to lock in the absolute lowest price on your ATD National membership for up to 3 years!
Your chapter receives a portion of your purchase through the Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP). All you have to do is select ATD-LA from the dropdown menu at checkout, and you will support your local chapter!
But don't wait too long to take advantage of these amazing savings. The sale ends on January 12, 2024!