• 10/30/2013 10:45 AM | Denise Ross (Administrator)

    ICELW 2014, the seventh annual International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace, will be held from June 11-13, 2014 at Columbia University in New York.  

    The Call for Proposals is now open and the deadline is December 16th, 2013. To submit a proposal, please use the proposal submission form on


    ICELW welcomes anyone with a background or interest in e-learning in the workplace, including researchers, consultants, and corporate trainers, managers, and directors.

    Topics of particular interest for ICELW 2014 include those demonstrating best practices in the workplace, panel/roundtable discussions, and sessions involving participation among attendees. See for more info.
  • 04/23/2013 5:19 PM | Denise Ross (Administrator)

    Throughout the year we will be shining the spotlight on various wonderful and talented ASTD LA volunteers. Currently the stage belongs to Kristen Magnuson.

    We thank Kristen for pulling Triple-Duty Volunteerism on the board of ASTD LA. Kristen came onboard as Co-Director of Learning, filling what is normally a two-director role by herself. That wasn’t enough. Kristen stepped up to fill the vacant Director of Chapter Meetings seat as well.

    We’re proud to announce that in recognition of Kristen’s hard work and devotion, she has been awarded free admission to an ASTD National certificate program in 2013. Congratulations, Kristen!

    Kristen came to serve on the board of ASTD LA after founding and launching the Social Enterprise Alliance, LA. She has a B.A. in Philosophy, a J.D. and has completed the chapter's Train the Trainer program. She is the founder of The Advancement Center, an organization devoted to removing blocks to success both individually and in organizations.  She is a pioneer in applying energy psychology tools in team building, facilitation and training so clients can drop learned limitations to success.  

    Currently, Kristen serves as the Director of Learning as well the Director of Chapter Events.  She is grateful for the opportunity to further her lifelong interests in collective success and collaboration. She sees these roles as demonstrating her motto "Together We're Better." 
  • 04/12/2013 5:11 PM | Denise Ross (Administrator)
    Did you Know... 
    that ASTD National will be offering 5 certificate courses in the LA area (El Segundo) this year?

    Designing Learning



    Training Certificate



    Blended Learning



    E-Learning Instructional Design



    Project Management for Learning Professionals



    Remember to use the Chapter Incentive Program code (ChIP code) when registering: CH8028.
  • 02/26/2013 4:00 PM | Denise Ross (Administrator)
    No Chapter Meeting in March. Instead, join us for...

    March Madness
    Instead of a regular monthly chapter meeting, we would like to encourage everyone to visit the meetings of our special divisions.

    There's a lot to explore:
    • great key note speakers
    • networking opportunities
    • and maybe even new friends. 
    Special division meetings are free for members; non-members are asked to pay $10 for each meeting.

    Visit the Special Division calendar for a list of upcoming Special Division Meetings in March!

    And because we love gamification, we attached a challenge to march madness: The member who attends the most SD meetings in March will get a 40% discount on an ASTD-LA workshop/webinar of choice in 2013!

    Here are the details:
    • Download this attendance sheet (or use a blank piece of paper).
    • When you attend a meeting, please write down the date, the Special Division Name and have the SD Leader sign your sheet.
    • If you attend a virtual meeting, either print the online attendee list with your name on it, or ask the director (via chat pod) to send you a confirmation email.
    • At the end of the month, send the scanned attendance paper to
    • The deadline to submit your form is Friday, April 5.

    Good Luck!

  • 01/15/2013 11:10 AM | Denise Ross (Administrator)
    We are pleased to announce a mentoring opportunity for as many as 5 ASTD-Los Angeles chapter members in a partnership with Bill Bellows of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and Tim Higgins of NASA. Together with Cade Wilson, Bill and Tim delivered a well-received presentation at our May 2012 meeting on the topic of "Collaboration: YES   Group Think: NO - Moving From Black Hats and Red Pens to Green Hats and Blue Pens.

    In looking ahead to 2013, we've made plans for our April meeting to be held at Rocketdyne's office in Canoga Park, where Bill, Tim, and Cade will present again. In preparation for the meeting, we are looking for members who would like to attend Rocketdyne's "InThinking Together" seminar early in 2013, learn more about the collaboration ideas presented in May, and then be mentored by Bill and Tim in how to share these ideas with others in your respective training and development roles. The mentoring opportunity includes sharing "lessons learned" from this learning process with fellow ASTD members at our April meeting.

    Please contact Bill Bellows by email at or Jeff O'Dell at
    to learn more about this offer.
  • 01/15/2013 11:06 AM | Denise Ross (Administrator)
    The aim of this six-month program is to match seasoned mentor image members who are ready, willing, and able to provide support and advice to chapter members, (mentees) who are:
    • Looking to develop or enhance a skill set
    • Willing to take action and break paradigms
    • In search of advice in a certain business discipline or area
    • Seeking professional development support
    All participants must be an ASTD-LA chapter member and in good standing throughout the entire cycle of the program.

    Application deadline is 2/25/2013. Click here for more information on becoming a mentor or mentee.
  • 01/15/2013 11:05 AM | Denise Ross (Administrator)
    Katrin Kaehler - Co Director Special Divisions
    Melissa Burns
    - Co Director Community Services
    Michele La Fleur
    -Director Marketing

    But ASTD-Los Angeles still Needs YOU! We still have the following openings on our 2013 Board of Director Leadership Team. If you are interested in making a difference and want more information, please contact Ellen Krause at
    • Director of Chapter Meetings
    • Director of Communications
    • Director of Membership
    • Co-Directors of Technology and Social Media
    • Co-Director of Learning
    • Co-Director of Special Divisions
  • 12/07/2012 11:18 AM | Denise Ross (Administrator)
    Roz (Rosalind) Teller, 66, passed away 8/31/2012 of lung cancer. Ms. Teller, CEO of Teller Associates, was highly regarded by nonprofit professionals whose community work was the focus of her consulting business. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to Barlow Respiratory Hospital or Democractic Party of the San Fernando Valley.
  • 12/04/2012 11:57 AM | Denise Ross (Administrator)
    Ron Reifler died of cancer on September 12th in Los Angeles. At 86 he loved life, felt young, and hoped to do more. Born and raised in Chicago, Ron enlisted as a navigator in the Air Force in 1943-1945 then earned his M.B.A. from the University of Chicago in 1948. He taught economics to graduate students at Claremont Men’s College in Southern California in the early 1950s and returned to Chicago as a management consultant with Booz Allen & Hamilton. In 1955 he the joined the Fantus Company, which specialized in industrial plant location studies for large corporations and governments; he became Senior Vice President and remained in that position until 1977. He was married to Carolyn Weist, the mother of his children, from 1956 to 1970. Ron contributed to the economic and social development of towns across the U.S. and Canada in the mid-1950s through mid-1970s. After leaving Fantus and until earlier this year he was President of Reifler Associates, an organizational behavioral consulting firm focused on teambuilding and improving human dynamics at workplaces. Partnering with Maria Rosa Escude, his loving wife of 29 years, he helped corporations, governments, and schools to develop more humane working and learning conditions.

    Ron served on the Board of Directors of Oasis, the Midwest Center for Human Potential, in the 1970s. Oasis House, located in Chicago, hosted workshops and seminars led by trailblazers of the human potential movement and had close connections with Esalen Institute at Big Sur, California. For many years he worked with leaders of the human potential movement in the Association for Humanistic Psychology and in Virginia Satir’s International Human Learning Resources Network (IHLRN), including serving on the Board of Directors of IHLRN. He also served on the Board of Directors of ASTD, American Society for Training and Development in Los Angeles and later on became President of the Association.

    In his final years, he was most proud of his influence on the lives of many children in the Self-Management for Kids Program ( With Maria he coauthored a series of books, The Adventures of Elly and Tigy, to accompany the program. Tall, thin, bearded, and a visionary champion of humanity, Ron dedicated his life to teaching and developing the lives of others. He was undaunted by battles with windmills along the way.

    He was predeceased by his parents, Gene and Harriet, and by his beloved younger brother, Cliff. He is survived by his wife, Maria, his children, Elizabeth and Doug, his sister, Audrey, his granddaughters, Katherine and Erin, and scores of loving family and friends. A celebration of his life is planned for January 2013 in Los Angeles.

  • 10/23/2012 1:30 PM | Denise Ross (Administrator)

    A dynamic night filled with enthusiasm and inspiration towards nonprofit organizations. Michael Graff-Weisner and Adam Kogeman of Chrysalis, a nonprofit organization providing resources and support to homeless and low-income individuals to find employment and gain a pathway to self-sufficiency, discussed the progression of their training program and five year strategic plan. Chrysalis’ training curriculum was developed and facilitated by volunteers with classes focusing on job preparation, computer and life skills and emphasizing adult learning with interactive exercises emphasizing student participation. Chrysalis has been currently expanding their facilities and continues its mission to find work for people at a time of high unemployment. For more information on Chrysalis, check out their website:

    Left to right: Sean Bloch, Michael Graff-Weisner,
    Jo Lynn Feinstein and Adam Kogeman

    Several of our Community Partners were in attendance and briefly spoke about their organizations which included EmpowHer Institute, LA Youth at Work, LA Fellows Program and Leadership Talent Solutions.

    Don’t miss our Holiday Giving Tree during our Holiday Party, where we’ll have a variety of volunteer opportunities from our Community Partners available for sign-up.

ATD-Los Angeles Chapter
9852 W. Katella Ave. #187
Anaheim, CA 92804
Chapter Code: CH8028

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