• 10/05/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    ATD-LA welcomes its 2023 Board of Directors!

  • 10/04/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    The ATD-LA Board is pleased to recognize Luis Martiz, Social Media Manager, for the Q3 Volunteer Recognition award. Congratulations to Luis for his outstanding work and contribution to the chapter as a new chapter leader!

    Volunteers make up the heart of ATD-Los Angeles Chapter. Our Board of Directors and management team volunteer their time and expertise to plan chapter events and projects. If you are interested in volunteering with ATD-LA, please reach out to Valerie Quezada at

  • 09/16/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    The KG Talent Development Grant will be available from October 1, 2022, to October 31, 2022, to assist 5 current and past members with the cost of renewing their membership and to assist non-members with joining ATD-LA.

    If you’ve been waiting for the right time to renew your membership or join ATD-LA, this is it! The KG Talent Development Grant will cover your ATD-LA membership fee.

    Be sure to make use of this great opportunity to stay connected with your fellow learning and development community members. Contact for more information.

  • 08/04/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    Per the terms of the chapter bylaws, we call for your self-nomination to join the Board of Directors.

    You will be nominating an ATD-LA Board Member for a two year term that begins in January 2023. Ballots will be distributed in September 2022.

    The ATD-LA Board is a very diverse group and values the thoughts and skills of everyone. Our volunteers and board give their time pro bono (not paid). We coordinate the tasks for several learning programs, chapter meetings and membership related projects.

    Directions: You can nominate yourself or another person for as many positions as you wish by using this form.

    The open positions for the 2023 ATD-LA Board of Directors are:

    • President Elect
    • Treasurer
    • Director of Workshops
    • Director of Communities of Practice
    • Director of Webinars
    • Member-At-Large

    Visit for position descriptions.

    All Nomination Forms must be submitted by or before the deadline: August 19, 2022 at 5 p.m.

    Click Here to Nominate

  • 07/09/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    Soak up the sun and savings!

    Save $25 off new individual membership.

    Going on now through August 31.

    Click Here and use code: YAY4SUMMER

    This is for individual memberships only. (Does not apply to power, student or group.)
  • 05/14/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    ATD-LA received the first endorsement and recognition for our work during Employee Learning Week (ELW) 2021 from Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti!

    ELW is an awareness campaign that highlights the important connection between learning and achieving organizational results, and it takes place in December each year.

    The growing skills gap and the increased need to compete in today’s economy require organizations to develop a knowledgeable and highly skilled workforce. ELW is a perfect opportunity for organizations to get involved and highlight their commitment to learning and development.

    Special thanks to Mariam Manukyan, our Member-at-Large, for her efforts in streamlining and creating a structured ELW process for the chapter, as well as her persistent efforts with the city in getting this recognition.

  • 04/25/2022 8:31 AM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    Been waiting for the right time to become an ATD-LA member? The time has arrived!

    Save 10% off membership next week, between April 25 and 29!

    Don’t miss your chance at this exclusive offer.

    Find even more discounts on bestselling ATD products over at between April 25 and 29. Our chapter receives a portion of purchase through the Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP). Be sure to select our name from the dropdown menu on the final page of checkout to send a portion of your purchase to our chapter.

    Click Here to Join
  • 04/06/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    ATD-LA successfully met all required CARE elements for 2021 and was recognized for 100% achievement of CARE. Based on our reported CARE Plus responses, ATD-LA was also recognized as a CARE Plus achieved chapter.

    Thank you to the ATD-LA Leadership team for providing and sustaining a vibrant community serving our members and the entire talent development profession.

  • 03/11/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    In alignment with ATD, ATD-Los Angeles offers a discount on membership for professionals aged 35 or younger in the talent development industry.

    To advance and support this community, ATD-LA is part of a tri-chapter SoCal Young Professionals Special Interest Group (SIG) that holds meetings on topics of interest to this demographic.

    Click here for details!

  • 03/02/2022 2:57 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    It was truly an honor to receive two ATD awards on behalf of the board and you, our members – the Share our Success best practice strategic planning award and the March 2022 Chapter of the Month award. These prestigious awards undergo a rigorous application and review process by ATD’s Chapter Recognition Committee and bring national recognition to our chapter. A big thank you to the 2021 ATD-LA leadership team, our office administrators and volunteers for their contributions to our success!

    On a global note, be sure to check out the opportunity to volunteer at the ATD Global International Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida from May 15-18, 2022. This conference is attended by over 10,000 professionals from all over the world, and for every day you volunteer, you are eligible to attend the conference for free. For more information please contact Valerie Quezada our Volunteer Director at or visit

    As always, we have an outstanding line-up of programs and networking sessions, including our in-person summer mixer on July 21 at The Lab Gastropub near USC. We look forward to seeing you at our events and meetings!

    — Kavita Gupta

ATD-Los Angeles Chapter
9852 W. Katella Ave. #187
Anaheim, CA 92804
Chapter Code: CH8028

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