• 02/23/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    The Los Angeles Chapter (ATD-LA) of the Association for Talent Development (ATD) was selected as the March 2022 ATD Chapter of the Month.

    This award recognizes the chapter for its many accomplishments, including Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE) achievement, Sharing Our Success (SOS) submission acceptance, and overall chapter strength, growth, and innovation.

    ATD-LA won the award for achieving CARE for 2021 and submitting an SOS best practice for “A Successful Bi-Annual Strategic Planning Process,” prepared by President Kavita Gupta. The Chapter Recognition Committee was impressed with this submission because of its unique two-part approach to strategic planning, strong documentation, and impressive results.

    Thank you to the ATD-LA Board of Directors and former board members Anna Halbur and Sara Padilla-Casillas!

  • 02/22/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    The Los Angeles Chapter of the Association for Talent Development (ATD-LA) was recognized for its submission to the ATD “Sharing Our Success” (SOS) program. The national SOS program identifies best practices among local ATD chapters and uses them as models for other chapters.

    Shelby Morris, Chair of ATD’s Chapter Recognition Committee said, "This recognition honors the Los Angeles Chapter’s best practice that demonstrates its commitment to managing a successful organization as well as advancing the talent development profession at the local level. We are honored to recognize the chapter with ATD's SOS recognition."

    ATD-LA’s SOS submission is titled “A Successful Bi-Annual Strategic Planning Process,” prepared by President Kavita Gupta. By creating two strategic planning meetings in fall and winter, chapter leadership was able to create action plans for each area that contained objectives each director and the president would strive to accomplish during the year. This submission empowers chapter leadership to develop as leaders by putting on their strategic thinking hats, envisioning goals and objectives for the chapter and its members, and putting these into action.

  • 02/12/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    Applications for the 2022 ATD-LA Mentor Program are now open! 

    Looking for guidance and feedback on how to meet your career goals for next year? Want to give back to the ATD-LA community by supporting your peers in their professional endeavors? If you’ve answered yes to one of these questions, we welcome your application to join this year’s cohort as either a Mentor or a Mentee!

    Below is a description of the program, key dates, and links to the applications. Mentoring is a formal relationship between two people, one more experienced than the other, focused on professional and career development. Pairs will engage in purposeful and regular meetings to create career goals, share industry expertise, offer feedback and ensure progress to mutually determined outcomes.

    The ATD-LA Mentor Team will accept applications, create matches and host a program orientation for this year’s cohort. Mentors and Mentees will then meet once a month from April through October, with support from the ATD-LA Mentor Team as needed. 

    Applications open: Now!

    Applications close: February 18

    Match Notifications: March 12

    Mentor Program Orientation: March 30 

    Mentor/Mentee Meetings: April – October

    Mentor Application:

    Mentee Application

    If you have any questions about the program, please contact

  • 01/19/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    A big thank you to all those who participated in Employee Learning Week (ELW) in December 2021! We are proud to share that Valerie Quezada, Instructional Designer at Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, won a Champion of Learning Award for her efforts to promote learning and development at her company from December 6 to 10, 2021. Special thanks also to board member Mariam Manukyan for her efforts in streamlining and creating a structured ELW process for the chapter.

  • 01/13/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    ATD-LA is currently looking for a Social Media Manager to join the 2022 Leadership Team.

    The Social Media Manager manages all social media communications with potential and existing members, increases member participation in these outlets, and creates high levels of satisfaction among users.

    Volunteers make up the heart of the ATD-Los Angeles Chapter, and the chapter wouldn't be possible without the hard work and effort of our volunteer community.

    If you are interested in volunteering with ATD-LA, please reach out to Valerie Quezada at

  • 01/01/2022 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    Greetings and Happy New Year! On behalf of the board and volunteers we wish each and every one of you a great year and health, wealth and happiness in 2022.

    As you know, the leadership team worked hard in the fall of 2021 to put together a wonderful line up of virtual programs and events. So please be sure to check out our offerings at and make learning and professional development a top goal for yourself this year.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome all of our new members, especially our newest members from Herbalife Nutrition. Thanks to long-time member and valued corporate partner, Khristina Keleshian. Herbalife now has 15 members as part of their group membership with ATD-LA. If you are interested in a new individual membership, please be sure to consider the KG Grant that offers a one-year complimentary membership for students and those in transition. For more information contact Denise Ross at

    Finally, we would not be able to do what we do without our great team of volunteers. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Valerie Quezada, Volunteer Director at

    As always, stay safe and healthy and see you soon at a webinar, chapter meeting, orientation, mentor program information meeting or special interest group meeting!

    — Kavita Gupta

  • 12/24/2021 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    ATD-LA volunteers, directors, and office staff will be taking a break between December 24 and 31. We wish you a happy holiday! See you in 2022!

  • 11/23/2021 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    Members, your chapter needs your vote! Will you commit to in-person meetings, OR do you prefer to keep our meetings virtual for 2022?

    In response to hearing members speak of Zoom fatigue, the board worked hard to secure meeting rooms for the in-person 2022 chapter meetings, at a cost. Yet, RSVPs to our first three in-person events (January - March) have been surprisingly low.

    We need to know ASAP if we should revert to virtual meetings. Please let us know. This survey is open until 12/6/21.

    Click here to access the survey:

  • 11/23/2021 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)
    $50 off your first year of New Individual Membership

    That's our lowest price of the year!

    Offer valid from November 26 to December 3

    Use promo code BFRIDAY2021
  • 11/03/2021 12:00 PM | ATD-LA (Administrator)

    Kavita Gupta, ATD-LA PresidentIt is with pleasure and gratitude that I have the honor of recognizing the following for their outstanding contribution to ATD-LA in 2021. The chapter wouldn't be possible without the hard work and effort of our volunteer community. Our board, leaders, managers and volunteers serve pro bono. As leaders in the field, we rely on the community to step up and lead the programs and events. Congratulations to all our award winners who will be recognized at the Holiday Party on December 2!

    President’s Award

    Given at the discretion of the President of ATD-LA to a board member(s) in recognition of high performance and extraordinary efforts.

    Anna Halbur, CFO ATD-LA, CFO Foundation for Affordable Housing.  

    Sara Padilla-Casillas, Secretary ATD-LA, Manager HR Innovation & Solutions, USC  

    Valerie Quezada, Volunteer Director ATD-LA, Instructional System Designer, Takeda

    Honor Member

    Given by the Board of Directors to someone who is not already a member of ATD-LA and who has made a significant impact on the Chapter as a presenter(s).

    Scott Millward, Managing Partner Russ Allen Consulting Leadership and Secretary, ATD Board of Directors

    Heather Davidson, Senior Program Manager Learning & Development, Amazon

    Lifetime Award

    Given by the Board of Directors for outstanding contributions to the profession and ATD-LA over many years to someone who is not a board member at the time of the award determination.

    Anthony Lewis, ATD-LA Member since 2002, Past President 2015-16, and Mentor Program Administrator since 2008, Senior Director People Development & Organizational Effectiveness, Universal Music Group

    Frank Rabwin Memorial Leadership Award

    Given by the Board of Directors for significant leadership contributions to the Chapter consisting of involvement in several projects.

    Mariam Manukyan, Member-at-Large, ATD-LA, People Advisory Services, Ernst & Young

    Princess Walsh, Director Workshops & Webinars ATD-LA, Professor & Course Coordinator, Pepperdine University

    Directors’ Distinguished Service Award

    Given by the Board of Directors for outstanding contributions to the Chapter during the past year as a board member.

    Anupa Naik, Member-at-Large and Director Communities of Practice ATD-LA, CEO, Smartwork! Inc.

    Special Interest Group Leader of the Year

    Recognizing Special Interest Group leaders and their efforts since 2009.

    Susan Gabriele, South Bay Geographic Interest Group ATD-LA Leader since 2009, Owner, Gabriele Educational Materials & Systems

    Anthony Markovich, Former South Bay Geographic Interest Group ATD-LA Leader, Director Talent Development Partner, DISQO 

    Jonathan Troper, Former Organizational Development Special Interest Group ATD-LA Leader and Member since 1995, Director Center for Innovation & Change, Alliant International University

    Scott Wimer, Former Organizational Development Special Interest Group ATD-LA Leader and Member since 1983, Principal, Wimer Associates

    Volunteer(s) of the Year

    Given by the Board of Directors for outstanding contributions in a volunteer capacity to the Chapter during the past year to someone who is not a board member at the time of the award determination.


    John Zupancic, Social Media Manager ATD-LA, Learning & Development Consultant, Golden Dog Creative

    Guy Morgenshtern, Orientation Manager ATD-LA, Instructional Designer, Geosyntec


    Special recognition to a member, corporation, or other partner.

    USC Rossier School of Education, Partner and Venue Host since 2019

    Logix Federal Credit Union, Corporate Member since 2009

    Kinecta Federal Credit Union, Corporate Member since 2015

    Denise Ross, Office Administrator ATD-LA since 2011, Owner, More Than Just Words

    Grant Skakun, Office Administrator ATD-LA since 2015, Copy Editor, Eucrest Writing



    Christina Boryk, Mentor Program Administrator ATD-LA, Project Manager, St. Charles Consulting Group Cornell University

    Kevin Kwan, Mentor Program Administrator ATD-LA, Senior Technology Manager, Learning & Development Panda Restaurant Group

    James McKenna, Mentor Program Administrator ATD-LA, Assistant Director, California Collaborative for Excellence in Education


    Michelle Yang, SoCal Young Professionals Special Interest Group ATD-LA, Talent Development Specialist, DISQO

    Nairee Bedikian, SoCal Young Professionals Special Interest Group ATD-LA, Specialist Talent, Learning & Inclusion, The Walt Disney Company


    Alessaundra Mills, Chapter Meetings Volunteer ATD-LA, Owner & Principal Consultant, Strategic School Solutions, LLC

    Candice Sylvia, Chapter Meetings Volunteer ATD-LA, Global Education Director, Henkel

ATD-Los Angeles Chapter
9852 W. Katella Ave. #187
Anaheim, CA 92804
Chapter Code: CH8028

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